About Me
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from George Mason University in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Jessica Lin. I received my B.Sc. degree in mathematics and statistics from York University and M.Sc. degree from George Mason University.
My research interest lies in the broad area of data mining, machine learning, and deep learning, with a special focus on high-resolution time series data. I am currently interested in developing robust, interpretable, and reliable data mining and machine learning tools for large-scale sensor time series data.
- [1/2025]: Honor to serve as a workshop co-chair for IEEE ICDM 2025.
- [1/2025]: My paper was accepted in Blue Sky Vision Track in SIAM SDM 2025.
- [9/2025]: Honor to serve as a Doctoral Forum co-chair for SDM 2025.
- [9/2025]: Our NSF proposal "Collaborative Research: CISE MSI: RDP: III: Towards Robust and Human-Aligned Deep Learning for Medical-Sensor Time Series" (my role: Lead PI) is awarded. Thanks NSF!
- [8/2024]: Honor to serve as a publicity co-chair for IEEE Big Data 2024 and proceeding co-chair for IEEE DSAA 2024.
- [7/2024]: Our paper on few-shot time series classification was accepted by CIKM 2024. Thank my collaborator Kaixiong and congratulations to my students Jesus and Ashley!
- [7/2024]: Our paper on wind power forecasting is accepted by IEEE Green Technologies Conference 2024.
- [5/2024]: Honor to serve as a panelist for "Teaching in AI Era: Challenges and Opportunities" at ACSIC 2024.
- [4/2024]: Give our tutorial "Discovering High-Ordered Semantic Structures in Massive Time Series: Algorithms and Applications" at SDM24.
- [4/2024]: Four workshop papers were accepted by SDM24.
- [9/2023]: Honor to serve as publicity co-chair for KDD'24!
- [7/2023]: Our paper on spectral bias was accepted by the Undergraduate Consortium (UC) at KDD23! Congratulations to my students Kofi and Sergio!
- [6/2023]: Honor to serve as publicity co-chair for SDM'24!
- [5/2023]: Honor to receive the prestige Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award from GMU, CS Department!
- [5/2023]: Completed my Ph.D. defense! Officially graduated from GMU! I will join Department of Computer Science in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley as a tenure-track faculty in Fall 2023.
- [12/2022]: Our paper was accepted by SDM'23.
- [12/2022]: Our paper was accepted by DLG-AAAI'23. Congratulations to Wenjie and my ASSIP mentee Arnav!
- [12/2022]: Served as Session Chairs for two research track sessions for ICDM 2022.
- [10/2022]: Served on the Program Committee for ICLR-23 and DLG-AAAI'23.
- [09/2022]: Our paper was accepted by ICDM 2022.
- [08/2022]: Served on Program Committee for Open Source Forum at ICDM Workshop 2022 (OPF-ICDMW'22).
- [07/2022]: Served on Program Committee for AAAI-23.
- [07/2022]: Completed my Ph.D. proposal defense and advanced to a Ph.D. candidate.
- [07/2022]: Served on the Program Committee for Undergraduate Consortium at KDD 2022 (KDD-UC'22).
- [07/2022]: Happy to serve as a co-mentor in GMU-ASSIP summer camp.
- [05/2022]: Served on Program Committee for the Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications@KDD 2022 (DLG-KDD'22)
- [05/2022]: Served as Session Chair (Time Series I) for SDM 2022.
- [11/2022]: served on the Program Committee for the International Workshop on Deep Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications@AAAI 2022 (DLG-AAAI'22)
- [12/2021]: Our paper was accepted by SDM 2022.
- [09/2021]: Received IMC Suneeth Nayak Scholarship from the College of Engineering and Computing, GMU.
- [12/2019]: Our paper was accepted by SDM 2020.
- [03/2018]: Our paper was accepted by AIED 2018 and nominated as a Best Student Full Research Paper Nominee.
Li Zhang, "Evaluating Time Series Models with Knowledge Discovery". SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2025 (SDM25), Blue Sky Vision Track
Jesus barreda, Ashley Gomez, Ruben Para, Kaixiong Zhou, Li Zhang, "COSCO: A Sharpness-Aware Training Framework for Few-shot Multivariate Time Series Classification", CIKM 2024 (short paper) [acceptance rate: 27%]. [pdf] [code]
Adam Haroon, William Carlyon, Frida Cantu, Kofi Nketia Ackaah-Gyasi, Li Zhang, Md Alimoor Reza "Unsupervised Human Fatigue Expression Discovery via Time Series Chain", DS2MH Workshop at SDM 2024. [pdf]
Frida Cantu, Chengang Liu, Li Zhang, "Unsupervised Detection of Changing Point for Additive Manufacturing", DS2MH Workshop at SDM 2024.
Jesus barreda, Ruben Para, Kaixiong Zhou, Li Zhang, "Few-shot Time Series Classification via Sharpness Aware Minimization", AI4TS Workshop at SDM 2024.
Mucun Sun, Li Zhang,"Short-term Electricity Price Forecasting with Constrained Regressors", AI4TS Workshop at SDM 2024.
Mucun Sun, Sergio Valdez, Juan M. Perez, Kevin. Garcia, Gael Galvan, Cesar Cruz, Yifeng Gao, Li Zhang, "Entropy-Infused Deep Learning Loss Function for Capturing Extreme Values in Wind Power Forecasting", IEEE Green Technologies Conference (IEEE-Green). 2024. [ paper]
Kofi Nketia Ackaah-Gyasi*, Sergio Valdez*, Yifeng Gao, Li Zhang, "Exploring Spectral Bias in Time Series Long Sequence Forecasting", Undergraduate Consortium of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2023. [ paper]
Li Zhang, Jiahao Ding, Yifeng Gao, Jessica Lin, "PMP: Privacy-Aware Matrix Profile against Sensitive Pattern Inference for Time Series", In Proceedings of the 2023 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM'23). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Minneapolis, USA, May 2023. [acceptance rate: 27.4%] [pdf]
Wenjie Xi*, Arnav Jain*, Li Zhang, Jessica Lin, "LB-SimTSC: An Efficient Similarity-Aware Graph Neural Network for Semi-Supervised Time Series Classification." Deep Learning on Graphs: Method and Applications Workshop, AAAI 2023 (DLG-AAAI'23). [pdf] * equal contribution
Li Zhang*, Yan Zhu*, Yifeng Gao, Jessica Lin, "Robust Time Series Chain Discovery with Incremental Nearest Neighbors." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'22). (Accepted) [acceptance rate: 20%] [extended version] [ support website] * equal contribution
Li Zhang, Nital Patal, Xiuqi Li, Jessica Lin, "Joint Time Series Chain: Detecting Unusual Evolving Trend across Time Series", In Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM'22). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. [acceptance rate: 27.8%] [pdf] [code]
Li Zhang, Yifeng Gao, Jessica Lin, "Semantic Discord: Finding Unusual Local Patterns for Time Series", In Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM'20). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Cincinnati, USA, May 2020. [acceptance rate: 24%] [pdf] [code]
Li Zhang and Huzefa Rangwala, "Early Identification of At-Risk Students Using Iterative Logistic Regression." In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED'2018). Springer, London, UK, June 2018. [acceptance rate: 23.5%] [pdf] (Best Student Full Research Paper Nominee 6/192=3.125%)
Sujit K Ghosh, Christopher B Burns, Daniel L Prager, Li Zhang, and Glenn Hui. "On nonparametric estimation of thelatent distribution for ordinal data." Computational Statistics and Data Analysis(CSDA), 2018. [impact factor: 1.323][pdf]
Samiul Haque, Laszio P. Kindrat, Li Zhang, Vikenty Mikheev, Daewa Kim, Sijing Lui, Jooyeon Chung, Mykhailo Kuian, Jordan E. Massad, and Ralph C. Smith. Uncertainty-enabled design of electromagnetic reflectors with integrated shape control. In Proceding of SPIE, 2018.
Christopher Burns, Sujit Ghosh, Daniel Prager, and Li Zhang. Imputation of ordinal data in the agricultural resource management survey using bayesian methods. In Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM). American Statistical Association (JSM), 2017.
Professional Services
- Organizing Commitee: IEEE DSAA'24 - Proceeding Chair
- Organizing Commitee: IEEE BigData'24 - Publicity Co-chair
- Organizing Commitee: SIGKDD'24 - Publicity and Social Media Co-chair
- Organizing Commitee: SIAM SDM'24 - Publicity Co-chair
- Session Chair: SDM'24-Anomaly Detection, SDM'22-Time Series I, ICDM'22-Time Series, Trajectory, and Data Flow, ICDM'22-Anomaly, Fraud, and Malware Detection, etc.
- Journal Reviewer: Pattern Reconition, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, Big Data Research, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Knowledge and Information Systems
- Conference Program Commitee/Reviewer: AAAI'20 &23, DLG-KDD'22, KDD-UC'22, DLG-AAAI'22&23, ICDMW-OPF'23, SDM'23, ICLR'23, KDD'23
- Conference External Reviewer: WSDM'20, AAAI'20, NeurIPS'20, ACL'20, CIKM'17, ICDM'19-23, KDD’17-20, SIGIR'20, SDM'17